Relm, a GUI library, based on GTK+ and futures, written in Rust

Relm is a new crate (Rust library) to develop asynchronous GUI applications in Rust.


Relm provides a way to combine futures/tokio with GTK+ in an elegant way, to easily write asynchronous GUI applications. This library is inspired by the elm programming language in that it uses The Elm Architecture, but adapted to both Rust and desktop applications.

Pain points with using GTK+ in Rust

I created relm because I had some recurrent issues when writing a somewhat complex GTK+ application in Rust. These pain points are detailed below.

State mutation

It is common practice to associate some data (called a model) with a widget and mutate it when the user does an action like clicking on a button. With gtk-rs, it is not possible to directly mutate a state in reaction to an event. To do so, one needs to use Rc<RefCell<Model>>:

let model = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Model { count: 0 }));
button.connect_clicked(move |_| {
  (*model.borrow_mut()).count += 1;
  label.set_text(&format!("{}", (*model.borrow()).count));

Which is not ergonomic and error-prone because you can get an error at run-time instead of compile time.

Asynchronous UI

This issue is more related to GTK+ in general. Sometimes, one wants to be able to wait after an HTTP request to finish or a timeout to happen and then update the UI accordingly, without freezing the UI. GTK+ supports this feature. However, I believe that having an abstraction to simplify asynchronous programming can make it easier to write GUI that doesn’t block the UI.

Cannot easily create new widgets

In Vala (and other object-oriented languages), it is easy to create a new widget. All you need is to create a new class inheriting from a widget:

class MyWidget : DrawingArea {

and you can use this widget like any other:

var widget = new MyWidget();

It is not as easy to do in Rust because it does not support subclassing.

One workaround is to add a Deref implementation for your widget:

struct MyWidget {
    drawing_area: DrawingArea,

impl Deref for MyWidget {
    type Target = DrawingArea;

    fn deref(&self) -> &DrawingArea {

but then, you need to manually dereference the variable to use the widget:


Once again, it is not ergonomic and, while other solutions are available, it is currently not the way to go in gtk-rs.

For all these reasons, I decided to write relm, employing futures and tokio. This allows the users of relm to do an HTTP request with tokio without freezing the UI.

Inspiration by Elm

Relm took its inspiration from the Elm programming language. Having used this language a bit, I found out it provides a good solution to do MVC. To create a program in Elm, you only need to provide a model, an update function to transform the model when some event happens and a view function to create the view in a declarative way. The view communicate with the update function through message passing. In relm, it is very similar, but I adapted the pattern to Rust. For instance, update and view are methods of the Widget trait. Also, mutation is used when it makes sense (Elm being purely functional, mutation is not used in this language).

Example using the #[widget] attribute

Let’s look at an example to see how to create a GUI application using relm:

// Import statements ommited.

// Define the structure of the model.
struct Model {
    counter: i32,

// The messages that can be sent to the update function.
enum Msg {

impl Widget<Msg> for Win {
    // The initial model.
    fn model() -> Model {
        Model {
            counter: 0,

    // Update the model according to the message received.
    fn update(&mut self, event: Msg, model: &mut Model) {
        match event {
            Decrement => model.counter -= 1,
            Increment => model.counter += 1,
            Quit => gtk::main_quit(),

    view! {
        gtk::Window {
            gtk::Box {
                // Set the orientation property of the Box.
                orientation: Vertical,
                // Create a Button inside the Box.
                gtk::Button {
                    // Send the message Increment when the button is clicked.
                    clicked => Increment,
                    label: "+",
                gtk::Label {
                    // Bind the text property of the label to the counter attribute of the model.
                    text: &model.counter.to_string(),
                gtk::Button {
                    clicked => Decrement,
                    label: "-",
            delete_event(_, _) => (Quit, Inhibit(false)),

fn main() {

(This example is truncated, look at the complete file here.)

Those of you that used Elm can notice the similarity between it and relm. A lot of magic happens in the #[widget] attribute.[1] For example, this attribute generates the struct Win that contains the GTK+ and relm widgets.

The view! macro allows to write the view in a declarative way. One can connect a GTK+ signal to send a message using the fat arrow syntax. For instance, the following:

gtk::Button {
    clicked => Increment,

means that the message Increment will be sent to the update function when the button is clicked.

The attribute also changes the update function to insert the calls to gtk::Label::set_text() when the counter field of the model is updated.

Example without the attribute

If it is not possible for you to depend on Rust nightly, it is possible to avoid using the #[widget] attribute. However, it requires a bit of boilerplate code. Here is the same example without the attribute:

struct Model {
    counter: i32,

enum Msg {

// Create the structure that holds the widgets used in the view.
struct Win {
    counter_label: Label,
    window: Window,

impl Widget<Msg> for Win {
    // Specify the type of the outer widget.
    type Container = Window;
    // Specify the model used for this widget.
    type Model = Model;

    // Return the outer widget.
    fn container(&self) -> &Self::Container {

    fn model() -> Model {
        Model {
            counter: 0,

    fn update(&mut self, event: Msg, model: &mut Model) {
        let label = &self.counter_label;

        match event {
            Decrement => {
                model.counter -= 1;
                // Manually update the view.
            Increment => {
                model.counter += 1;
            Quit => gtk::main_quit(),

    fn view(relm: RemoteRelm<Msg>, _model: &Self::Model) -> Self {
        // Create the view using the normal GTK+ method calls.
        let vbox = gtk::Box::new(Vertical, 0);

        let plus_button = Button::new_with_label("+");

        let counter_label = Label::new("0");

        let minus_button = Button::new_with_label("-");

        let window = Window::new(WindowType::Toplevel);



        // Send the message Increment when the button is clicked.
        connect!(relm, plus_button, connect_clicked(_), Increment);
        connect!(relm, minus_button, connect_clicked(_), Decrement);
        connect!(relm, window, connect_delete_event(_, _) (Some(Quit), Inhibit(false)));

        Win {
            counter_label: counter_label,
            window: window,

fn main() {

(This example is truncated, look at the complete file here.)

You can see some similarity with the previous example, but you now need to create the widgets the same way you would do when using gtk-rs directly, i.e. by calling constructors like Button::new_with_label(). Moreover, you need to update the view manually in the update method:


You also need to create the container function, the types Container and Model and the struct Win that are automatically created by the #[widget] attribute.

One difference with gtk-rs is how you connect signals:

connect!(relm, plus_button, connect_clicked(_), Increment);

This is the equivalent of:

clicked => Increment

that was used in the previous example.

Example using tokio

That was a basic example. Now let’s look at a more involved example actually using tokio to send messages to a websockets server:

type WSService = ClientService<TcpStream, WebSocketProtocol>;

struct Model {
    // The message to be sent.
    message: String,
    service: Option<WSService>,
    // This contains all the messages received from the websockets server.
    text: String,

enum Msg {
    // The user changed the message to be sent.
    // Connection to the server successful.
    // A message received from the server.
    // Send a message to the server.

impl Widget<Msg> for Win {
    fn model() -> Model {
        Model {
            message: String::new(),
            service: None,
            text: String::new(),

    fn subscriptions(relm: &Relm<Msg>) {
        // Connect to the websocket server.
        let handshake_future = ws_handshake(relm.handle());
        let future = relm.connect_ignore_err(handshake_future, Connected);

    fn update(&mut self, event: Msg, model: &mut Model) {
        match event {
            Change(message) => model.message = message,
            Connected(service) => model.service = Some(service),
            Message(message) => model.text += &format!("{}\n", message),
            Send => {
                model.message = String::new();
            Quit => gtk::main_quit(),

    fn update_command(relm: &Relm<Msg>, event: Msg, model: &mut Model) {
        if let Send = event {
            if let Some(ref service) = model.service {
                // Send the message to the server.
                let send_future = ws_send(service, &model.message);
                relm.connect_exec_ignore_err(send_future, Message);

    view! {
        gtk::Window {
            gtk::Box {
                orientation: Vertical,
                gtk::Label {
                    text: &model.text,
                // Give a name to this widget, so that we can use it in the update function.
                gtk::Entry {
                    activate => Send,
                    changed(entry) => Change(entry.get_text().unwrap_or_else(String::new)),
                    text: &model.message,
                gtk::Button {
                    clicked => Send,
                    label: "Send",
            delete_event(_, _) => (Quit, Inhibit(false)),

(You can see the complete example here.)

There are two new methods in this example: subscriptions and update_command.

The former is to execute futures when the application starts. In this case, we initiate the websockets connection and connect the future to send the Connected message. This example ignores the possible errors, but it is also possible to handle the case where the future resolves to an error.

The update_command method is used in relm to execute futures when a message is received. This example sends the message Message(message) where message is the response from the websockets server. Relm executes the update_command method in another thread, where the tokio event loop runs: this is why we cannot execute the futures in the update method.

As you can see, events from GTK+ widgets and events from futures are managed in the same way.

Warning about API instability

It is to be noted that relm is under heavy development and has not been thoroughly tested. Moreover, the API is currently unstable and will be updated in the next releases. For instance, the update_command method will be removed (and merge with the update method) when this crate will switch to using futures-glib instead of using another thread to run the tokio event loop.


That was a short introduction to relm. Look at the examples if you want to learn more. The readme and the documentation also provide details about how to use this crate.

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If you find any issue while using this library, please open an issue on GitHub.

Future of relm

Here are some improvements I’ll do in the next weeks and months:

  • Develop a GUI functional testing crate.

  • Improve the #[widget] attribute.

  • Add a more complex example.

  • Improve tests and documentation.

  • Switch to futures-glib.

And, of course, I’ll use relm for my own projects mg and titanium.

1. Attributes currently requires a nightly compiler.